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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Hello, my Friend!

We've been away.  So many places, so many wonders, a drama or two, and some very lovely times have filled this month with joy - and a shred of sadness.  We focus on the joy. Always the joy.

I have just today to write a line before I take off again (going to visit my 'Sis' in Tampa for a while).
So, here goes...

Two of our trips were to New Hampshire for some much-appreciated time with our kids.  The first was New Year's Day...and ALL of us were in attendance!  What better way to start a New Year than healthy and in the company of loved-ones?

Speaking of loved-ones, we visited Stan on one of our journeys.  You will be glad to hear that he is doing ok since the passing of his (and our) dear Jette.  Peppy (their Pomeranian) is not handling it so well.  He gets very nervous whenever Stan tries to leave the house - so much so that Stan brings him almost everywhere he goes.  Of course, that is not always possible, so, on this trip, I was the 'puppy-sitter' while Stan and jd went to pick up some take-out fish and chips.

No sooner than Stan shut the door, Peppy went ballistic. If you have ever spent any time around Pomeranian's, you're hearing me loud and clear.  He yipped to beat all decibel levels. He leaped - vertically! -- to rival an NBA superstar. He ran around my legs so fast I thought he would turn to butter! (obscure literary reference  --- you young people can just Google it!)

We don't own pets.  Our reasons are sound, so don't go giving me that look!  ANYway, this renders my knowledge of how to care for a distraught lap-dog to nil and none. At first I considered panicking, but quickly decided that TWO frenzied life-forms in that tiny entryway might be dangerous.

Something (or someone?) told me to "Take a Seat", so I dropped the 'wide load' down on the floor, right there in front of the door. To my utter amazement, the dog calmed down immediately. He then climbed into my lap and began whimpering softly.  I went from scrambled brain to melted heart in just under 10 seconds.

I miss Jette. I cannot enter her home without feeling her presence acutely. But this was the most intense awareness of her I have noted since she passed away.  Correction -- since her physical being ceased to exist. I am convinced the "Take a Seat" voice was hers: bossy and right on target. In just a few short minutes, she taught me that obedience is wise, that little pets can be wonderful, and that we never leave those we love.

Thank you, Jette!

Until I return from the Sunny State of Eu-Florida, remember
I love you.
xoxoxo, cd

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