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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dad Update:

It's a couple of weeks now that Dad has been home, and we are still in "challenge mode".

Donna and the boys and I have been taking turns staying with Mom and Dad, so someone is there 24/7. It has been a bit "whelming" for all of us (OKay, 'over'whelming, sometimes).

A stubborn infection that requires "off and on" antibiotic treatment is holding him back from recovering in a more timely manner. It affects his digestion, so he's not feeling all that great, and he does not like the resulting "extra help" that is necessary because of his symptoms. Despite it all, he is continuing his physical therapy and making some good progress there. Lots of doctors appointments have been testing our abilities to get Dad from point A to point B with all his medical equipment in tow. Donna deserves kudoes for handling most of the transportation issues!

Mom is doing ok... She's tired, and she had a brief illness of her own to deal with, but she is better now, and holding up well considering all the extra work and worry. 

We are trying to meet the challenges, and for the most part we have been able to diffuse one another's "meltdowns". There have been more than a few of those....mostly between Donna and myself.  We seem to be bearing the brunt of the responsibilities as far as coordinating his medical treatment, etc. and we don't always agree. 
 But, thankfully, Larry, Joe, John and Steve are stepping up to the plate, and we get some 'away time' to rejuvenate, so that's a BIG plus! And Len will be arriving this Friday, and has promised to do his part as well.  Many sibs lighten the load!

Keep us in your thoughts! It helps to know you are there...

xoxoxo, cd

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