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Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting Off Right!

Hi, Friend!

We have survived 2011...perhaps a little grubbier than we began, but alive, still.  Time to shake the dust off our shoes and begin another year of travels.

My very first trip of 2012 is to "Clare-ville" where I will gently shower away last's year's dirt from, and apply a new coat of wax to my psyche.  I will attempt to organize my thoughts for packing, and draw up a roadmap for reaching my dreams.

Yes, it sounds selfish.  And it is.  But, visiting you won't happen if I don't fill my gas tank. Arriving there safely, and in good health, is my first goal!  I will take it slow and easy, with many rejuvenating naps along the way.

So, anticipate my arrival.  And then, get ready to party!

xoxoxo, cd


  1. My gas tank is, apparently, never empty. I know this because I keep on backfiring.

    Have a nice refreshing time. See you when you return.

  2. Happy New Year to you and yours, Clare.

    I really shouldn't have arrived here behind Suldog. ;)

  3. You two crack me up!

    Happy New Year!
    xoxoxo, cd
