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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Postcard To Manzi

Hi, Manzi!

It was so wonderful to hear from you!  Your card came at the perfect time for me, as I was feeling a tad depressed about the weather, and such. You always lift my spirits!

I will address your questions in this card, because others have asked some of the same, and this might clear up a couple of things for them, too.

First, Thank you! We think Jack is adorable too.  He is our daughter-in-law's nephew, and cousin to our beautiful Granddaughter, Madison.  His Mom decided that he would call us "Nanny" and "Papa" because Madison does, and because, as she says, "You can never have too many Grandparents". We agreed to the sentiment, and lovingly agreed to 'adopt' Baby Jack.  Fortunately, his other Grandparents are willing to share!  My Son's in-laws have always embraced us as Family...we are truly blessed.

As for the postcards...

Alas, as much as we would like it to be different, our vacation travels are few.  The upcoming Texas trip is the real deal...we will be visiting Family there in April...and we just booked our flights for that!.  And we do "journey" to New Hampshire regularly because our Sons and their families are there, but it is a short-ish drive, so might not really qualify as a 'trip'.

In essense, the "cities" we are visiting in this blog are mostly metaphors, with the happenings in my life as their basis.  It is fun for me to write this way -- I can keep each post rather short --a big plus for a relitively lazy broad-- and each is a 'memory jogger' for me, because it does actually record where I was or what I did each day, (but in a shorthand only I know) so I can call it a journal.   In addition, I can "show-off" a little by including some of my artwork or photography.

All in all, a pretty good venue for 'musing'. 

Virtual Travel!  With benefits!  I  get to meet wonderful people along the way (such as you!!!) from the comfort of my own home.

I will write again soon...
Please give my best regards to Marilyn,



  1. Dear Clare,
    Thank you for the clarification of your travels. But what a creatively marvelous idea of virtual travel. You got it all. That is soooo unique. I just didn't want to think of you out driving on the highway in this huge snowstorm. I saw all the cars stranded on the highways on TV this morning, along with watching the Egyptians pelting rocks at each other. What a mess that is. Better I turn off the TV and stick to my blogging.
    Thank you for thinking of Marilyn. I'll tell her I made friends for her through my blog. She'll be so pleased.
    I aplaud you on your clever blog.
    Love and peace,

  2. Dear Manzi, Thank you for caring about me!

    It is true, driving conditions are absolutely treacherous! My poor Jerry had to commute in this morning's freezing rain. He has called to say he arrived safely... now I will fret about his drive home.

    You needn't worry about me being on the roads today, or any day that is not dry and clear! Even on the best days, I don't go any further than my parent's home, and I avoid highways at all costs!

    Aw, let's face it...I'm a chicken!

    But I'm a LIVE chicken... (WooHoo!)

    LOVE to you, My Dear,
