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Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Traveling this Week...

Hello, Dear Ones...

Well, it was just a matter of time before Mother Nature visited...and that time has arrived.  She can be a stinker of a Mother-in-law occasionally, arriving in a dirvish, and over-staying her welcome.

Life is thrown out of whack when she visits.  Schedules must be altered, activities cancelled.
Extra effort is required --- a necessary clean-up during her stay, and a major overhaul once she leaves. 

(Oh, Thank You, Divine Miss N, for the opportunity to shovel out, de-ice and clear trees from the grounds. We will remember this visit for many weeks to come.)

Thus, our plans for journeying have been curtailed for the time being, so we may not get to see you for a while.
Until then, my Loves, keep us in your thoughts...


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