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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No School, or Work, or Shopping, or ANYTHING... in Foster/Gloucester

Dear Friends,

I heard that many businesses and schools throughout the State of Rhode Island have cancelled work and classes for TOMORROW.

As I was thinking "What???" ...the phone rang.

Hubby's Doctor's Office calling...
"We will be closed tomorrow due to the Storm, and need to reschedule Jerry's appointment...what day is convenient for him?"

Apparently, there is more snow on the way...

Check the local News:
The list of Closings and Cancellations for Thursday, January 27, 2011 has more pages than the current Health-Care Bill.

"Damn!  They're closing the Malls!!" says we are due for another foot+ of flakes beginning around midnight tonight and continuing through Friday.

"Yeah, so??"

Look out the window. Noon. Wednesday.
It's snowing. Already.

"Go ahead, Rhode Island!!!    Close for the Season!!!"

I'm shutting down until Spring, too.


  1. We have had our fair share of snow in UK. Freezing conditions lasted for 4 weeks or so with lots of snow.
    I have never heard or imagined a doctor would cancel an appointment due to a storm. Crumbs hope it's not a tornado.

  2. Oooops! My last Url would lead to my other blog, Plato's Procrastinations LOL

  3. Hi, Eddie!

    Ah...closing everything in RI has more to do with financial conditions than anything else. It appears our elected officials consistently under-budget for snow removal, so, in order to expedite the work of the plows (thus creating a smaller outlay) they close everything down to keep the rest of us off the roadways.

    Gotta LOVE ecomonics!

    xoxoxo, cd

  4. You are so funny. You put a big smile on my face. Yeah, snow, a big pain in the butt sometimes.... well often. But, Marilyn (my friend of 50 years) lives in San Diego and people have been sick with the flu for long, long periods... like 3 months and with medication and drug stuff. She asked if there was that flu around Montana and I've heard of a few people who have had something like flu but didn't last longer than a week. I think cold is good for the germs.... seems to kill or weaken them.... what do you think?
    Love and Peace

  5. The jury may still be out on the 'cold killing/weakening germs issue'. I have been suffering from a head cold (although mild) for several weeks. HOWever, I have not had the flu -knock wood!- nor have I taken a flu shot, in several years.

    Perhaps germs go South for the Winter???

    Best to you!
    xoxoxo, cd
