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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Nine-Hour Tour

Yesterday, I took an un-scheduled trip to "Organization". Now, this is a place I am familiar with, so it should have been a quick trip...hassle-free, ya know?  Yeah, right.


The Christmas decorations had already been put away  -  a week ago.  As always happens, however, one single item is overlooked.  Always.'s 8:30 am, I'm still in my jammies, just powered the computer down, and my doorbell rings. A lost soul who needed to be one street East. I sweetly push the intruder in the right direction (those of you who know me can picture the 'sweetness'), and as I am shutting the door, I notice it.

A lousy Christmas Wreath.  On the front door. Outside. Missed it completely.


I quickly take it down, shut the door against the 20 degree temp, and proceed to put it away. In the storage room.  Where EVERYTHING IS. All the seasonal decor, all the paper goods, all the bins full of Artwork, the candles, the tablecloths, the big roasting pans...well, you get my drift. And it's sort of messy in there.
So I put the wreath down on a table just outside the storage room door.
And in my infinite wisdom, and because I am a tad OCD about everything-in-it's-place, I begin to "straighten up". It'll only take a few minutes, right?

What in the Bloomin' World was I thinkin'????

About two hours into this re-org, and with pretty much every bin emptied onto the floor, I came across a beautiful set of candlesticks that I forgot I even owned.  These would look GREAT in the dining room!
... Bring those beauties upstairs, clean them well, make room for them on the hutch. Naturally, cleaning must occur before setting the 'new' candlesticks in their allotted space. This takes time because the hutch needs some re-organization, but when it's DONE it looks just lovely!
Now, in comparison, you guessed it...the rest of the room looks like crap. And since the dining room and the kitchen are extensions of each other, the project just snowballed. Even the kitchen cabinets got re-organized.

I worked through lunch. I'm still in my PJ's.    Holy Sh*t! It's nearly 3 pm!

... Quick shower, hop in the car, go to Town Hall and pay the crummy Tax bill, pick up a few groceries and run an errand or two, then:
...return home to find a clean dining room, and an organized kitchen, but all the no-longer-needed-right-this-minute stuff is waiting to be put away.

In the storage room.  

Which I left in shambles sometime early this morning.

It took 1.5 additional hours to box everything up --- and when that was done, nine hours later, at 5:30pm...

The wreath was still on the table ---just outside the storage-room door.



  1. This is a story that fits ALL of us

  2. It NEVER fails!

    ...and I'm sure something just as dumb will happen again tomorrow...dang.
