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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

...and Thank You for flying "Barbie Airlines".

Hello, Everyone!

When it comes to traveling, JD and I are not the only afficionados in the family. Mother-in-law Nature took a weekend bus trip with the Seniors (I think they went to Foxwoods) and the atmosphere around here was much improved!

Our Sons have picked up the wanderlust, (and married lovely women who also like to globe-trot) and in turn have passed it on to their children. Our Granddaughter Madison is proving the trend.

She loves to be on the move!

Nobody ever gets into a car without her going along for the ride.

Boats are fun (especially ferries), but she likes trains better.

She adores air travel, and has earned more frequent-flyer miles than I have. (Really)

If the words "Road Trip" are whispered within earshot, she runs for her purse.

Her pink Mustang Convertible has worn out two sets of tires.

And she is only 3 1/2 years old.

So, on Sunday, when  she and her Dad (our son Rob) came to visit us for the weekend,  Rob had his duffle, and Maddie had a full 3 pc. set of pink luggage...

...she is ALL GIRL, this one!

Of course, most of the bags contained the necessary toys to keep a toddler occupied. One favorite toy that Santa brought could not fit into any standard-sized suitcase, however.

The "Barbie" Jet!

Even I must admit that this toy is FUN! We had a blast making 'Stewardess' announcements over the llittle loud-speaker that is part of the unit.  It really sounds authentic! I won't bore you with all the gadgets this thing has. (I know, you're looking at the picture and wondering where the wings are...They take them off so Maddie can get close enough to open the doors.)

And so...we have another travel bug in the family.

This one is just beginning Her journey...I pray that She has a bon voyage...

Lots of Love,


  1. WOW .... you have a lot of snow. My car looked like yours this morning and there was at least 6 inches on the ground. My great neighbor went down the sidewalk with the blower but I had to shovel my driveway and it's still snowing. I live in Montana so this isn't unusual. (just gets annoying)
    Adorable toys for the little girl. And the pink is so festive for a little girl. Manzanita

  2. I concur about snowfall being annoying. First one is so pretty!! Subsequent accumulations ...not so much. Yesterday's 3 inches of snow+rain=hell was particularly ugly.

    I've never been to Montana, but it is on my bucket list!

    xoxoxo, cd
