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Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Hello Friends,

You've probably been wondering where I've been for such a long time.  I apologize sincerely. Let's just say it's been a challenging 4 weeks and leave it there.


 The Christmas Season is definitely upon us, and one of our favorite things to do is "Look At The Lights".  Sometimes we visit La Salette Shrine, in Attleboro Mass.

The Holy Stairs

The Rosary Fountain

300,000 lights in several displays, all quite beautiful. They have switched to LED's on many of their displays, so it's a little 'Greener' than it used to be.  (WTG La Salette.)

Most times, we just hop in the car, choose a neighborhood, and go check out an array of Christmas decorations.  Used to be, houses would be decked with a multi-color string of bulbs, candles in the windows, and a wreath on the door.

Not so in the 21st Century

Now "More is More"  ---or is it?  You be the judge...

Holy kiloWatt hours, Batman!

But that's not quite enough, yet...

You've all seen 'em.  Some of you may HAVE one or, (YIKES!), more.  Because, nowadays, tacky is "in", and we all need to keep up with the neighbors.


Balloons the size of a compact car, with hefty price tags, that use 20x more electricity than a refrigerator. Whoever started the marketing program on these things is laughing all the way to DeutscheBank, and The National Grid CEO is trotting along beside him!

On one lawn in my community you will see Santa and his Reindeer at the Manger, with Angels flying over giant Presents, and the Polar Express heading straight into a grove of Christmas Trees.

But Wait, there's more!

Frosty and Mrs Snowman are dancing to the Little Drummer Boy's rump.   (A-pump-pump.)
The Wise Guys are bringing the baby Jesus enormous Candy Canes.
And Elves are stuffing sheep into Santa's Pack.

It's insane.  It's blasphemous.  It's crass.  It's ugly.  And it's killing our Planet.
Somehow I don't get the Christmas Spirit when I drive by there.

I'll write again when I'm feeling better.

xoxoxo, clare


  1. I'd hate to be paying the electric bills.
    Have a happy holiday to you and your family.

  2. I have a feeling you might like my post today.

  3. You have the right feeling.

    Check this one out, guys!!!
