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Monday, October 17, 2011

October 13...One Friend Arrives, Another Departs

And Hello, once again,

I have spent many hours between Sunday and today (Thu, Oct 13) preparing for a visit from my Sis, Jean, from Tampa, Fla.  Well, OK, she is not a sister by blood, but that is the only distinction.

Jean and I have been very close friends for just a few years. She and my Brother, Lenny, have known each other FOREVER, and he finally brought her to RI for a Summer vacation, where we met and became instant buds. Since that vaca, we have managed to get together at least once every year, and we talk on the phone every Friday without fail.

ANYway, Jean arrived this morning, and we have been going great guns ever since...lunch at Legal Seafoods and a visit with Al & Josie being the highlights of the day.

This was (we thought) a VERY good day! And then we learned another very Dear friend of ours had passed away.

Jette Day.    

jd and her husband, Stan, were partners and friends at Distrigas of Mass for many years, and we have remained friends for many years since.  Jette cared deeply for her Family, and treated her Friends as if we WERE Family. She was a gracious hostess, and no one ever felt uncomfortable in her presence. Just one example of her incredible kindness: She took care of me, AT HER HOME, for a week after my surgery in 1998 - literally doted on me as if I were her own child.  And she was FUN...there was never a dull moment when Jette was "in the House".

She was a loving Mother, devoted Wife, good Neighbor and Wonderful Friend, and she will be sorely missed. We loved her, so much!

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